National Report on Malnutrition Risk Reduction & Nutrition in Emergencies in India

This report on Malnutrition Risk Reduction and Nutrition in Emergencies in India is an outcome of the collaborative
advocacy processes of Sphere India, National Coalition of Humanitarian Agencies in India in association with
NDMA, Govt. of India, Welthungerhilfe and other members of Food and Nutrition subcommittee of Sphere India.
The report is divided into an introduction chapter and three sections:
• The introduction chapter provides information on background, aim and objectives and the process followed
for compilation of this report.
• Section A presents the Risk (Hazard, Vulnerability, Capacity Analysis) and Nutrition Status Analysis.
• Section B recommends strategies for collaborative action on the subject.
• Section C suggests the process for developing a collaborative roadmap of action with mapping information
from some of the agencies.NIE REPORT – final

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